Saturday, June 14, 2014


After  examining the results of the survey we can state that the Spanish children and teenagers’  diet is as follows:


Orange juice

Milk or drinking chocolate

Bread and butter, cereal or biscuits

Midmorning Snack

Drinking yoghurt or juice

A sandwich or a cereal bar


Meat (almost everyday ) / fish (at least once a week).

Vegetables (everyday)

Carbohydrates (everyday) –potatoes ( French fries, mostly), rice or pasta.

Legumes (once  a week)

Fruit, ice cream or a sweet dish ( crème caramel, custard…) for dessert.

Merienda (afternoon snack)

Fruit juice or milk

A sandwich or sweet pastries


Soup or vegetable cream

Eggs (fried eggs, omelette…), fish or chicken

At weekends teenagers often prefer take away food like pizza,  hamburger or kebab.


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