Saturday, June 14, 2014


After  examining the results of the survey we can state that the Spanish children and teenagers’  diet is as follows:


Orange juice

Milk or drinking chocolate

Bread and butter, cereal or biscuits

Midmorning Snack

Drinking yoghurt or juice

A sandwich or a cereal bar


Meat (almost everyday ) / fish (at least once a week).

Vegetables (everyday)

Carbohydrates (everyday) –potatoes ( French fries, mostly), rice or pasta.

Legumes (once  a week)

Fruit, ice cream or a sweet dish ( crème caramel, custard…) for dessert.

Merienda (afternoon snack)

Fruit juice or milk

A sandwich or sweet pastries


Soup or vegetable cream

Eggs (fried eggs, omelette…), fish or chicken

At weekends teenagers often prefer take away food like pizza,  hamburger or kebab.


Questionaries About Project Goals